Make thick, creamy yogurt cheese, low-fat yogurt, calcium-rich dips, salad dressings, spreads and cheesecakes at home with this uniquely designed strainer. Yogurt cheese is a low-fat alternative to cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream and whipping cream!
Just add yogurt and this unique patented design maker produces yogurt cheese in 2 to 24 hours. Cuisipro Yogurt Cheese Maker strains liquid from yogurt and leaves behind a smooth, tasty cheese. Use it to thicken all kinds of dips, spreads, savoury sauces and sweet icings.
- Converts 3 cups of yogurt into 1 cup of yogurt cheese in about 24 hours
- Get a thinner yogurt cheese in as little as 2 hours
- Sealed container prevents odour transfer and provides storage
- 3-piece set includes: plastic container, lid and a stainless-steel fine-mesh strainer
Dimensions: 161/8" x 5¾" x 5¼" / 15.6 cm x 14.8 cm x 13.2 cm